
Learning environments have the potential to be spaces of wonder and joy, yet can also be a source of trauma and harm when the potentialities, identities, histories, and lived experiences of students are not considered in educational systems- this can also be said for staff working within an institution or organization. Dr. Buchanan-Rivera curates professional development that helps school staff and caregivers think about their roles in the pursuit of educational justice and the collective work that is needed within organizations to advance affirming spaces that generate a sense of belonging (e.g., acknowledging identities, racial equity, etc.) and connection. The work of advancing equitable, just schools and organizations that serve young learners is a commitment to actions, and we must ensure that our beliefs about children and humanity are aligned to the values we walk in every day. Dr. EBR can curate professional development based on your needs as aligned with her scholarship and book, Identity Affirming Classrooms.
Dr. Buchanan-Rivers works with educational leaders, staff, and teachers to deepen their understandings of educational equity. She constructs professional development sessions that help educators think about the ways they show for justice-centered work in schools. She can curate a series of workshops, support HR teams with on-boarding processes, and work to help community stakeholders understand the inclusionary efforts of school through introspective work. Lisa Delpit reminds us that we do not really "see through our eyes and ears, but through our beliefs" (2006, p. 46). Ideologies influence how we see one's humanity and how we respond to others. Systems are driven by the ideas, efforts, and belief systems of human beings. Mirror work focuses on a critical examination of self and the beliefs that guide our actions as we work within systems and support youth (Buchanan-Rivera, 2023). Educational leaders, teachers, staff, or stakeholder groups will be prompted to think about how they advance equity in their institutions. Dr. Buchanan-Rivera will provide learning experiences to help participants think about their power and how it is used to create spaces where students can thrive. Importantly, mirror work centers anti-bias and anti-racist approaches. Please fill out the form if you would like to learn more about mirror and systems work, and need support in this area within your organization or institution.
Systems work focuses on the conditions needed for inclusive, affirming, and responsive educational space. The work of improving systems entails collective approaches, cultural shifts, and the work of building as well as sustaining a cohesive community. There are many external factors that influence outcomes within school systems, yet these learning experiences will help participants to tap into their power and what can be addressed within their control. Systems work calls for us to act. We name what perpetuates inequities and commit to just actions. The following are key areas that educators should consider for systems work: 1) Disrupting stereotypes, biases, and identity threats from classrooms and the work environments 2) Dismantling racism and decentering whiteness from institutions 3) Creating conditions for learning that support the academic needs and social well-being of students 4) Ensuring that curriculum and instructional practices honor the identities, histories, and experiences of students 5) Cultivating spaces of belonging that honor the gifts, genius, and imagination of students Building coalitions and strong partnerships with families Please fill out the form if you would like to learn more about mirror and systems work, and need support in this area within your organization or institution.
Children are constantly consuming messages around them within social environments. Every experience, interaction, and words youth encounter shape their identity. As parents or caregivers, we have to consider our role in raising compassionate human beings in a world where many strong political and social influences exist. Dr. Buchanan-Rivera will work with families and caregivers to think about the work of cultivating justice-minded youth. The workshop will focus on human-centered practices to help children see a world beyond their lens and the importance of inclusionary work. Parents and caregivers will leave with tangible tools, resources, and strategies to create identity affirming spaces at home. The work of honoring the humanity of others begins with a journey of self-love and the development of a vision for justice. Please fill out the form if you would like to learn more about parent workshops or have specific requests for Dr. Buchanan-Rivera’s consideration.
Do you have textbooks or curriculum that needs to be reviewed through a culturally responsive lens? Is there a need to assess your school’s climate or culture? Dr. Buchanan-Rivera’s doctoral research focused on instruments to measure inclusive environments. She has developed tools (one is featured in Identity Affirming Classrooms) to assess equity work, instructional practices, curriculum, and environments within schools. Contact Dr. Buchanan-Rivera directly on the contact me page to talk about equity or curriculum audits.
If you have an event related to Dr. EBR’s book, Identity Affirming Classrooms, please contact her directly using the form. She can connect you with her publisher to have books ready for your event. Also, Dr. EBR can be a part of book students whether virtually or in-person to support groups who are reading her text!
If you are interested in a keynote presentation, contact Dr. EBR via this form. Please make sure to notify her in advance!
Do you need a thought or accountability partner? Mentor support for a team, teacher, or administrator? Feel free to contact Dr. EBR to be a part of your professional learning community, grade level team meetings, principal or administrative work sessions, or school board work sessions. This would be an hourly rate. If you are interested in a brainstorm session, please contact Dr. EBR via this form.